
TikTok Follow And Unfollow Method [Full Guide]

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For businesses seeking to build a following on social media apps like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok, it’s essential to understand the so-called “follow and unfollow” method.

This hack is probably the most common on Instagram. It makes it very simple to gain new followers for your account. The idea is quite simple: you follow plenty of accounts in your niche and unfollow them a few days later.

This method was used to build momentum on Instagram rapidly. It’s also proven effective, and some accounts see thousands of followers per week in the process. Instagram has become better at detecting this technique, and that’s why it’s becoming less effective.

Are you wondering if the follow/unfollow method works on TikTok as well? Is it possible to grow your TikTok profile by following other accounts? Let’s find out!

What Is TikTok

TikTok is an engaging social media app that lets you share your own short video with your friends. It’s personalized and provides a level of addictive quality that not many apps can offer.

You can share your creations with anyone you like, from a small group to the whole world! You can create split-screen videos, add effects and filters to make them more exciting or even connect with other people for collaboration on content.

Why Followers Are Important on TikTok

Having many followers on TikTok can be beneficial for businesses. It’s been proven that audience engagement is a big part of success on any platform. Content that can reach your audience consistently and easily will thrive. Ensuring your audience can find you is the key to success and TikTok.

On TikTok, the easiest way to get more followers is to publish engaging content consistently. However, some people may use old tricks like the ‘follow unfollow method’ to gain more followers.”

What Exactly Is the Follow and Unfollow Method

The follow-unfollow technique is a strategy to grow your social media accounts by following many influencers and hoping they’ll follow back. After a few days, whether these accounts follow you back or not, you unfollow them. When you do this, it’s easier to keep your follower/following ratio low and a clean account.

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Does the Following and Unfollowing Method Work on TikTok

The follow unfollow method works better on TikTok than on Instagram. As long as you keep it genuine, you can get excellent results by using this technique while simultaneously avoiding following loads of people. 

This has been tested and confirmed to work in 2022 and beyond. It is an easy way to get more followers on TikTok. Most TikTok users will follow back between 35-65% of the people they like. If you are trying to grow your following, it’s best to go after niche users.

The key to the follow unfollow method is ensuring your account is set up with an attractive profile photo and posting intriguing and engaging videos.

What Percentage of Users do Will Follow You Back on TikTok With the Follow/Unfollow Method

There have been a lot of success stories with this tactic on TikTok, and estimates are that between 10 and 50% of people will follow you back on the social platform. However, the real success rate of this method will be between 10% and 20%.

However, if you’re following the right people and creating fun and entertaining content, it can be a very successful strategy.

How Do You Use the Follow/unfollow Method on TikTok to Get More Followers

Try following the profiles of top members in the same niche. Then, you can head to their followings list and start following them manually.

Following hundreds of people simultaneously on TikTok may be impossible because of following limits. Be sure to spread them out, so they don’t seem too cluttered.

Why Can’t I Follow and Unfollow People on TikTok

There are many different reasons you might not be able to follow – unfollow people on TikTok. The app’s algorithms control what action you can take, and that, for them, is outside the uses of TikTok.

Fortunately, most of the limitations are temporary. You need to know what you should avoid preventing penalties. At the same time, the other bugs can have simple solutions.

Here are the most common reasons you can’t follow people on TikTok.

You Can’t Follow Users Because TikTok Thinks You Are a Robot.

If you have found yourself unable to follow someone on Tik Tok, it might be because Tik Tok thinks you are a bot. You can change your password to tell the platform that you are not a bot. After changing the password, log out and log in again to regain the ability to follow the accounts you want.

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You Have Exceeded the Maximum Number of Accounts to Follow

There is a limit on how many accounts you can follow per day on TikTok. If you surpass your limit, this may cause this issue. There is no easy solution other than waiting for the next day. As for how many people you can follow on a day, it has been limited to 140 people per day.

Application Issues With Processing

If the follow unfollow button is not working, there may be an error with memory or cache. Restart TikTok, and it should work again. or try clearing the app cache.

TikTok Has Temporarily Restricted You

You might have been temporarily blocked from following someone on TikTok. The reason may be that you had followed and unfollowed many people in a short period. However, the time set for these penalties is 24 hours, so you’ll be able to continue using your account after this time.

The App Is Out of Date

Sometimes errors in TikTok can be due to the version you are using being out of date. Make sure you keep up with all the latest updates to avoid complications. 

You’re Following Too Fast

When you see this notification, know that this is your reminder to stop following. If you spam your account, TikTok may shadowban you and even prevent you from having an audience on the platform. This will decrease your growth opportunities and impact your overall marketing strategy.

TikTok 10k Follow Limit

This is a wildly misleading claim about the maximum number of users you can follow on TikTok. Most people say that you can only follow up to 2k, and if you want more, you’d have to unfollow some.

We’ve seen accounts that were at one time following more than 9k followers. However, based on my personal experiences, it looks like you can follow up to 10,000 users on the platform. My advice here would be to follow only accounts in the same niche as your own account. 

What Happens When You Get to 10k Followers on TikTok

I think following 10k people on TikTok could be a waste of time. When you follow up to 10k users on TikTok, you won’t be able to follow anyone else unless you unfollow some. Unfollowing others is a big chore, mainly because there are limitations on how many people you can unfollow.

What to Do When You Hit Follow Blocks on TikTok

if you hit “follow block” on TikTok, it is best to wait 1-2 hours to start following again.

How to Unfollow on TikTok

To unfollow a user:

1. Go to the user’s profile page.

2. Tap Unfollow.

What’s the Daily Unfollow Limit for TikTok

To keep your accounts safe and ensure a happier experience, you should limit your unfollowing to 200 every day. We recommend dividing that into the hours you have at work so it’s safer for your account and doesn’t negatively impact your account. 

How Many People Can Unfollow on TikTok Per Hour

If you have an average of just over 6 hours a day to spend on TikTok, you could safely unfollow 30 accounts per hour. If you wait 10 minutes, unfollow another ten accounts, then wait another 10 minutes before doing it again, then follow the same process again.

How effective is the follow/unfollow strategy for growing on TikTok

While you may not get a large following on TikTok with this strategy, it is still a good idea to be active on the app and post engaging content. 

Having an effective hashtag strategy and posting quality videos can impact the number of followers you gain on any platform. You should also post regularly to ensure a good content volume with your audience.