
How To Recover Deleted TikTok Account [Easy Way]

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With instant gratification on some apps, it can be difficult to resist at times. TikTok is one of them. 

People delete their TikTok accounts for various reasons like being bullied, feeling the need to be more anonymous online, or just being addicted. 

It happens suddenly, often in a moment of anger, but then regret sets in, and they realize it might be too late to get back all the data from their account.

If you’ve deleted your TikTok account and have a change of heart, have you considered ways that might help you get your old account back? Do you have the question in mind “Can I get my deleted TikTok account back?”

This post lets you know if it’s possible to reactivate deleted TikTok accounts and the steps to do so. Follow the guide below to connect with your followers and re-access your account.

What Happens When You Delete A TikTok Account

After Deleting your TikTok account, other people looking for you will only see your profile as “Deactivated.” Nobody will be able to view any of your videos or liked content during the 30-day waiting period. If you do nothing, your account and its contents will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

Will Deleting TikTok Delete My Videos


When you delete your TikTok account, all your videos will be hidden from other users. However, if you recover your account within 30 days, those hidden videos will return. If you let TikTok permanently delete your account, all of what was left behind will be gone forever.

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Does Your TikTok Account Delete When You Delete The App

Removing the TikTok app from your phone won’t affect your account, and the app and the account are two separate things. 

If you uninstall TikTok, the only thing that will happen is the app will be removed from your mobile device. Your account and your posts, moments, and friends will still exist.

Permanent deletion of one’s TikTok account will mean that their account goes inactive, and the content they uploaded and the followers they collected would be gone forever.

It becomes impossible to get back your account once the thirty-day grace period has passed or once you have entirely deleted your account from TikTok. 

How Long Does It Take TikTok To Delete An Account

TikTok only deletes your account permanently after a thirty-day grace period.

As mentioned before, you can reactivate your account in this time window to retain it. But outside of this window, the app will permanently delete your profile and all the hard work you put into it. 

Temporary Deletion Vs. Permanent Deletion

One of the essential things about TikTok is the difference between temporary deletion and permanent deletion. Before we learn how to recover a deleted account, you should consider these differences.

After you delete your TikTok account, it won’t be permanently deleted right away. TikTok will only deactivate your account for 30 days, so you can have time to change your mind and reactivate it if you need.

If you’ve deleted your TikTok account and want it back, you need to act before this period of 30 days is over. Once that time is up, recovering your account will no longer be possible.

See also  How To Delete TikTok Videos [complete Guide]

Can I Get My Deleted TikTok Account Back

Yes, you can get your deleted TikTok account back. Just make sure to reactivate your account within 30 days. They are giving people a grace period of up to 30 days to get their accounts back.

Once you’ve deleted your account, you can’t get it back again, and all videos are permanently deleted 30 days after deletion.

You can’t reactivate your account once it has been permanently deactivated, so make sure to do this as soon as possible!

Can I Recover My Permanently Deleted TikTok Account

If you don’t reactivate your TikTok account before 30 days, the deletion will be considered permanent and irrecoverable. This means that you can’t recover permanently deleted accounts.

Steps To Recover Your Deleted Account

Thankfully, reactivating your TikTok account is not a complicated process. Follow the instructions below to reactivate your account.

  • Go onto TikTok.
  • Tap the “Me” icon in the bottom-right of the screen.
  • Choose “Sign up for TikTok.”
  • Click “Log In” at the bottom of the screen.
  • Enter in your deleted account’s login details.
  • Tap “Cancel Deactivation” at the bottom of the screen.
  • Log in again.

Follow the steps outlined above if you need to recover your TikTok account after it was deleted. We want you to know that after 30 days following the deletion of your TikTok account, it’s not possible to reactivate it.

After this period, the account becomes inaccessible. You can only reactivate a deleted TikTok account if they’re done so within 30 days of their deletion.

Can You Delete The TikTok Account And Start Over

You can delete your old TikTok account and create a new one. This gives you the chance to feel like you’re in control again and have a fresh start. If you delete your old TikTok account and want to create a new one, you will not be able to use the same user name again.

How To Recover Deleted TikTok Account