
This Is What Happen When You Get 10K Followers On TikTok

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As social media has taken over the internet, everyone who can use a smartphone with an internet connection has become a content creator. There are many platforms out there, each one with its own speciality. 

Text content will always have its place, but it seems that visual media is taking the lead at the moment. Coinciding with this, one of the most popular mobile apps of the last few years is TikTok.

Its availability for iPhone and Android (and accessible from any internet browser) has made it extremely popular. TikTok has quickly become one of the most popular ways to share new content and connect with others.

TikTok is many people’s go-to app for short videos, and if you can find a community to share your content with, it’s easy to grow a significant following.

What Are TikTok Followers

tiktok followers

In social media, following someone is a choice to see all of their posts on your home feed.

Followers are what makes your social media account worth following, and respectable followers will help it grow into a successful and profitable business. All social media websites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and many others have a news feed for their users to follow. TikTok is no different from them.

Content in news feeds varies by platform, and they consist mainly of posts, articles, or videos from people you follow. There is a significant difference between a like and a follow. When people like your post, it means they agree with the content and find it valuable.

On the other hand, the following indicates interest that indicates that someone wants to be updated on your latest posts. The idea of the following someone implies that this person will have high levels of engagement with you.

What Happens When You Hit 10K Followers On TikTok

tiktok content creator

Social media is such a crucial part of many people’s lives, and it’s essential to know the ins and outs of social media platforms and how they work. For example, did you know that it only takes 10,000 followers on TikTok to become a “TikTok Star?”

This milestone is a massive accomplishment for any individual- it means your content will be seen by more people, which leads to more followers, and more followers means a higher ranking.

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You will become a nano-influencer when you hit 10K followers on TikTok.

Nano-influencers are creators with 5,000 or fewer subscribers on YouTube, 2,500 – 10,000 followers on Instagram, and 5,000 – 50,000 followers on TikTok. Nano influencers are on the lowest levels of influencer rankings. These creators have an army of followers who share a strong personal connection.

Nano’s typically specialize in a specific niche, which is one of the reasons why they resonate with their followers.

Benefits Of 10K Followers On TikTok

As you already know, having 10K followers on TikTok will make you a nano-influencer. As an influencer, you can make a decent living since you will have followers and fans who support your endeavours. However, if you misrepresent yourself or don’t remain true to yourself, it may be difficult for your brand to grow into a long-term success story.

How Long Does It Take To Get 10K Followers On TikTok?

Growing to 10K followers on TikTok is not that much easy. You have to be good at what you do to create a following, and it takes time and effort.

There’s no set time limit, and it all depends on how good you are and what content you make.

Is 10K Followers A Lot On TikTok

So the answer is with 10k followers, you are considered a nano-influencer and are making your way to be a macro-influencer.

You want to bring those influencers to different platforms. Since you’re good with TikTok, try gaining a fair number of followers on Instagram or YouTube and showing off your creativity!

What’s The Fastest Way To Get 10K TikTok Followers

fastest way to grow tiktok followers

Buying followers on social media platforms is a common practice to grow your account faster. However, many people don’t know whether this will help them grow their following on TikTok.

Buying followers or likes will only help you seem more famous for the moment, but that won’t lead to any long term success. Instead, you need to invest in content creation and only upload high-quality work to get a real following of users who want to engage with your videos.

7 Proven Ways To Get 10K Organic Followers On TikTok Faster

It can be tempting to buy followers on TikTok, but it is not the best option. Creating high-quality content with original and exciting ideas will bring about the same result over time for less cost.

Here are proven ways to get your 10K TikTok followers faster than you think.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

When growing your TikTok following, it is crucial to identify who your target audience is. TikTok users come from diverse backgrounds and niches like other social media platforms. One type of content might not resonate with all groups.

So before you create your TikTok marketing or influencer strategy, it’s essential to find out what your target audience is doing on the platform.

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2. Create Content For Your Target Audience

Once you’re clear about who your following is and their interests, you can create content that will educate them. Remember that it’s still important to entertain them if you want more followers.

3. Leverage Trends

TikTok is about trends. And often, jumping onto a trend as soon as it arises can drastically increase your chances of success on the app. You might not have to participate in every trend, though, and be selective about the trends you join in because they should represent your target audience.

4. Use The Right Hashtags

Relevant hashtags on social media will help you reach a bigger audience, and they’re a great way of making your content more findable. On TikTok, you can use hashtags with videos to make them more available to explore.

It would be best always to use relevant hashtags when you post on TikTok. For example, when sharing a video of something funny that happened at home, it’s good to add hashtags like #humor and #homememes.

5. Use Trending Sounds

You want to be making sure you’re creating original content but also incorporating trending sounds & songs. If a sound or music is all over your feed, it’s probably worth inserting into your video.

This is a great way to get new eyes on your content. Make videos related to what you specialize in and use trendy sounds to help attract and repel people from your page. The goal is to get people watching the video, and if they enjoy it, they’ll want more of your content. 

6. Post At Ideal Times

Like any social media, the best time to post is when most people are online. While Timing is not as crucial on TikTok as with Instagram, posting when more people are online can help you get more followers and views quicker. 

7. Post Your Content On Other Social Networks

Using cross-promotion on other social media sites that you already have a lot of followers on is a great way to drive traffic to TikTok since it allows you to reach the loyal followers of said other social media account. It’s a great way to gain TikTok followers as followers on other social media accounts already know you.

Do You Get Paid On TikTok At 10K

get paid on tiktok

Once you reach the 10K followers milestone on TikTok, you will be recognized as a nano-influencer. TikTok doesn’t have an extensive advertising network, so the easiest way for creators on the app to make money is by making direct arrangements with brands.

Being an influencer, you can make money by;

1. Promoting your favorite brands in videos, just as you would with any other form of influencer marketing.

That could be the head-to-toe brand outfit, the unboxing video, or simply wearing a fashion label’s clothes in your video.

2. Cross-promoting your promotions on your other platforms, e.g., If you earn a lot of money through YouTube, you can use your TikTok account to bring people over to your YouTube channel.

3. Using your TikTok videos to promote items you’re selling somewhere.

All you need to do is make some captivating clips that show people the items you have for sale. You can upload them to TikTok and watch your profits grow.

4. Going live and receive tips from your viewers. 

How Much Money Can You Make On TikTok With 10K Followers

Once you have thousands of followers on TikTok, you can start to profit from the app.

Companies often pay influencers $200 – $20,000 per branded video they promote according to the influencer’s level of influence.